Returns & Refunds

Missing Items/Damages

If your order arrives with damaged or missing items, please contact us and we will provide assistance as soon as possible. Kindly note that our team may request photos of damaged items to improve the customer experience. You must also notify us of these issues within 2 days of delivery date. In the case of damaged items, you are required to bring the damaged items to your nearest post office and proceed to claim with AusPost as we do not hold the responsibility for shipping damages while in transit.

In the case of missing items, a crosscheck will be initiated with the respective carrier to determine the parcel weight. Once confirmed, we will ship out a replacement to you for free.

In the case of lost order while in transit, kindly contact AUPost for a resolution as it is out of our control once it is in the hands of AUPost. However, we will do our best to assist.


Once an order is placed and an order confirmation email is sent out, cancellation requests will be subject to approval depending on the order processing status.

Orders that are shipped from our warehouse are not eligible for cancellation.

All cancellations if approved may be subject to a small processing fee plus a 5% bank transaction charge of your total order value.

Refused Delivery

Parcels that are returned or refused are subject to a 25% restocking fee plus return shipping costs.


1) All returned items must be returned in its original condition and will undergo an inspection by our team.

2) Items must be returned using a tracked shipping method. Items returned without a tracking number is not eligible for a refund.

3) Products that have been used over 25% of the overall capacity will not be eligible for our 30-day moneyback policy.

4) Once a refund is approved, a credit will be made to the original payment method on the order. A confirmation email will be sent once the refund is processed. Kindly note that the refund will be minus the cost of shipping. The funds should reflect on the balance of your original payment method between 2-10 business days, depending on your financial institution.

If you haven't received your refund after 10 Business days, we recommend contacting your financial institution for more information.

Additional Questions

If you have any other questions about our policy or require additional support, kindly contact us at